City of Follansbee
2023 Veteran Banner Program
The City of Follansbee is, again, proud to announce the Veteran Banner Program. This program serves as a tribute to recognize service men and women from Follansbee who have served or are serving our country in a branch of the military. Each individual banner is unique and will include their picture, branch of service, era of service, and sponsor’s name. The program is non-political and non-partisan.
Veteran Banners
- The banners are 24″ wide and 48″ high and will be located on the Main Street light poles throughout the City.
- Banners will be displayed from Labor Day 2023 through Labor Day 2025. Cost of sponsorship for families, individuals, civic organizations, and businesses is $90.00.
- Applications are available in the Follansbee City Building.
- Applications will be accepted through Friday, July 7,2023 or until 40 banners are sold and will only be processed with a fully completed form, photo, *DD-214 or current Military ID card photocopy (front and back side), and a check or money order made payable to: The City of Follansbee Veteran Banner Program
- The City is accepting the first 40 applications received in the office, that are 100% paid and meet all the application requirements. Once the City has 40 completed applications all additional applications will be returned and your name will go on the list for 2025. Postmarked does not count as received.
- Applications will be accepted in the Follansbee City Building or mail to:
The City of Follansbee Veteran Banner Program
872 Main Street
Follansbee, 26037
- Banners will be returned to the sponsor (individual, family, organization, or business) of the banner at the end of the two (2) year display period.
- Banner placement can be suggested, but will be solely at the discretion of the City of Follansbee.
- Please contact The Follansbee City Building at (304) 527-1330 with any questions about the banner program.
Ways to Support the Follansbee Veteran Banner Program
Family members and loved ones of veterans may purchase a banner themselves or obtain a sponsorship by a local business. The City of Follansbee is not responsible for finding sponsorship for banners purchased by individuals, family members, or loved ones. The family or individual’s name would appear on the banner in place of a business sponsorship name.
Businesses may sponsor a banner for a particular veteran by filling out the attached business sponsorship form and the business or civic organization’s name will appear as the sponsor on the banner.